2023 is an exciting year for the REIA regarding projects.
We are organising or involved in;
- Tree planting riparian areas of the Upper Catchment to mitigate against climate change.
- Several habitat restoration projects are currently in the pipeline, more details to follow.
- An exercise to determine the number of eggs in back end hen salmon versus spring salmon for Marine Scotland is taking place in November and December. These eggs will then be fertilised and then returned to the target area as eyed ova and some may be grown on to be released as fry or parr.
- Our control through spraying of Invasive plants such as Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed, American Skunk Cabbage and Himalyan Balsam will continue throughout this year.
- Many obstacles to migration have been removed from tributaries on the river allowing clear access to spawning grounds for returning salmon, sea trout and native brown trout.
- 12 American mink traps have been deployed this year throughout the Catchment to help control the spread of this invasive species.
You can follow the progress of our projects over on the news page.